
Monday, December 13, 2010

Raising in Faith

Well, I've decided to try my hand at blogging again. Hopefully this time, it will stick. I really enjoy it, but sometimes feel I am nowhere near as creative a write as some of the bloggers I regularly read.

I won't be using my childrens' real names on here, mostly to protect their identities. Instead, I'll be calling them by nicknames.

This year, I started homeschooling Princess (those of you who know me personally, know her real name.) Of course, Junior likes to tag along and participate as well. We're using a Catholic Home School Preschool Program called Little Saints. It's a wonderful program, and the kids LOVE the activities from it. It's based around reading and learning the Catholic Faith. There are 2-3 lessons in each unit, and each lesson has 3-4 art/learning activities. It's starts each day with scripture and a list of books to accompany the lesson. Thankfully, since Princess is only 3, we're not "forcing" it. I want her to love learning and reading as much as I do.

We also use a Catechism program called Who Am I? It also has wonderful stories, lessons, questions and activities, as well as workbook pages. I try to do one lesson each week from this.

I wanted to start this blog because of the journey that the kids and I are taking together through our Catholic Faith. I am learning more and more and finding that I need to learn more. I hope to someday be as well-versed in our Faith as some of my mom's sisters. begins (or continues our journey)...