
Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Amazing Effects of Prayer

I've been searching for MONTHS to find a Catholic Mommies group in my area. Since I couldn't find anything, I decided to start one on my own. In November, I finally approached the pastor of my parish church. It took until January, but we got it started. We've already had many bumps in the road, and many trials, but I KNOW that God wants me to do this.

Anyways, the first week, we had one mom show up. I wasn't as prepared as I should have been for that meeting, and I hope that didn't deter her (the kids had just been recovering from bronchitis, croup and an ear infection). She seemed into it, but I haven't seen her since. Then, the second week, an Aunt, who babysits her nephew came. I was a little better prepared, with a bible story and a 10 Commandments project, but note to everyone...CHECK THAT YOUR GLUE STICKS ARE NOT DRIED OUT before you bring them to a function where you will be glueing!

Week 3, NO ONE else showed up. But, I was prepared and my kids and I did the activity we had planned. I didn't read them the story again, as I had read it to them earlier in the week since it was "A" week. We read Tomie dePaola's Angels, Angels Everywhere. On Little Saints group day, we did the "A" is for Angels activity from Catholic Icing. The kids went a little crazy with the stickers, but they sure do love stickers. (I had to zoom in on the actual artwork because their names were written in the corners.)


Anyways, week 4 (yesterday). Again, NO ONE shows up! Well, (so, I had this REALLY long post written and it didn't save, so I'll have to just use a shortened one!)

So, week 4. NO ONE showed up. The Feast of St. Blaise was the day before, so I read the story of St. Blaise to the kids and had them color a picture of him from Waltzing Matilda.

My New Year's Resolution was/is to go to Mass one day a week in addition to Sundays. And of course on all the Holy Days and special Feast Days. St. Blaise's Feast day was on Thursday. My kids were EXTREMELY well behaved! Anyways, as I'm packing up the diaper bag to leave, a man comes over and hands me something and says "this is for your Mommy group". I said "Thank you! Thank you so much!" I didn't have time to look at it just that second, and I don't know if I would even know the man if I saw him again. Anyways, when I got to the car, I looked and it was a $100 bill! Now, I have been praying about starting a group, but just haven't had the funds. God had definitely heard and answered my prayers! This man was a vessel for God. I now am able to start a meetup group (which will hopefully bring in more mommies) as well as have leftover funds for supplies, snacks, and anything else).


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